Your experience with great Jazz guitar CD/SACD discs.

I have only listened to Jazz for around 55 years, so still a beginner.  I have some Johnny Smith and others you might know up to current players.  I am looking for any less commonly known Jazz guitar artists and their recordings.  I am thinking of minimal processed and leaning more towards standards and archtop electrics.  Thanks for any input you can suggest.  A player that I have enjoyed for many years is Ed Bickert...playing of all things a Fender Telecaster. 
Check out Vic Juris. And with regard to Joe Pass, the duet albums with NHOP—Chops and Northsea Nights—are first rate.
Just in case this player isn't in your collection:

George Van Eps-7 string player "Mellow Guitar" 1956

Fantastic suggestions so far, but considering that you know Johnny Smith and Ed Bickert I suspect that most of them are not new to you. Here are some lesser known (remembered) players that you might enjoy.  I believe all are available as CD reissues:

John Pisano and Billy Dean:

Dick Garcia:

Lenny Breau:

Current player, this guy kills me every time. Ben Monder: