Your Fav EL34 and why?

I am looking for some info on the EL34 tube and it's various makers, mostly current ones, but input on previous itterations of these tubes which fall into the NOS cat are quite welcome and would add some contrast.

I'm assuming like all tubes that the EL 34 tubes sonic sigs vary dependant upon manufacturer and era, as do so many other tube types.

What is your experience with this EL34 TYPE, and why did you select the one (s) you use now?

As always - Thanks so very much.

Showing 2 responses by 1markr

Hey Jim, for my Dodds, my preferences fall like this: Best are the SED Winged "C"s, then the JJ KT-77s, and finally the JJ E34Ls. I haven't tried other EL34s on my monos. The SEDs have a better, more organic midrange compared to the KT-77s, while the KT-77s have better extension than either. I also thought the KT-77s had a better midrange than the JJ E34Ls. Just my 2 cents...

You gonna have fun with 'dem amps!
I also forgot to add that the soundstage really bloomed and filled the room much better with the SEDs vs. the original JJ E34Ls.

I have not heard the orig. Genelex KT-77s.