Your favorite OCC speaker cable

I've gotten good sound with my Analysis Plus Crystal Solo interconnects and may go for their speaker wire. But I like to wait for something used to come along, and it could be a long wait.

In the meantime, if there's a speaker wire with OCC that you've liked, I'd be curious to know what's worked for you.
Would you recommend  12TC, 8TC or 4TC for mids and tweeters in an active system where a 2A3 drives tweeters above 1600Hz, and another drives mids from 275 to 1600Hz?
12TC is advertised as being capable of high power delivery, but in my application it would be different.
Thank you!
“The idea of finding it bulk seems like a good way to go, though I am not sure my DIY efforts would be as good as a cable I’d buy!”

DIY cables don’t make any more sense since there are wide range of professionally made OCC cables available at reasonable prices. When it’s all said and done, that ‘Belkin’ bulk cable won’t look better or offer discernible differences (if any) than a zip cord from Home Depot.

Don’t overlook the benefits of anti-static, anti-vibration and Litz construction offered by professionally made OCC cables. My two cents.
Thanks @lalitk 

I've got a solution. Found a 14 ft single cable of AP Solo Crystal Oval 8 used at The Music Room for $699. I checked with Analysis Plus and I can send them the cable to be cut and re-terminated for $39. TMR was willing to go down to $599. Bottom line is I can have two approximately 7 ft. speaker cables for $650. These would normally go for $2200. I'm done. Oh, FYI, here's the 14ft cable at full price:
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