Your favorite Small Apartment Speakers

  1. I view this as sort of a companion thread to the “Best Small Speakers At any Price” thread.

Lets hear what you’ve used and loved!

Thanks in advance.
@gochurchgo  Thanks for the direct comment back.  What music are you listening too? 

I completely get the issue with bass response.  I assume apartment means you don't want to fill in lower frequencies with a subwoofer.  What kind of bass response do you want?
@verdantaudio I listen to alot of music thats not well produced or recorded (classic punk and hardcore records) along with 80's and 90's alternative (average production for the day). In the last few years classic 60's and 70's reggae and ritualistic/black ambient has got me excited about music again. Add in a sprinkle of death/thrash metal and some jazz too (Davis/Mingus/Adderly).

I try to use Napalm Death (the band) as a guide as its crazy heavy and super fast. If the speaker can render all the layers and keep the speed, it will probably work.ha!

As for bass you are correct. I have space so thats not an issue, I just don't want to (and probably cannot) run a sub in apartment life. I am currently on the ground floor but that will not always be true which is why it seems stand mounts are the way to go.

 I am currently running Focal 807's which do many things right, but I find them polite and lacking in the bass. Ideally something that can get into the low 40's / high 30's should be fine. The Focals image well with 23" of space between them and the front wall but that sucks all the bass out.

High on my list to try and audition are Dynaudio Special 40's, Holt Hill Consaille (sp) and whatever else I find. Looking for a musical/fun sound with great bass and some refinement.
Interesting.  You and I listen to a lot of similar music.  I don't go quite as heavy as Napalm Death.  I need a speaker that does well with metal but for me it is Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, etc...  For punk, Sex Pistols, Early Police, Ramones, Iggy Pop, etc...   Though I also like a lot of 60s psychedelic, 80s and my wife listens to 90s hip hop, oh and Classical gets mixed in regularly.  Finding a speaker that does all that well is hard and when you roll in the added requirement of <40hz performance, it gets harder still.  

I know what you mean about the speaker market not being geared toward you. Part of why I started my company. 

We had a great moment at AXPONA where we had a group of guys who were in the room and did 5 or 6 songs at their request.  Music started with Michael Jackson and we capped it with The Trooper.  One of the guys commented "I can't believe I am about to sit down and critically listen to Iron Maiden."  Every time we played Metal the room filled.  Way more guys feel the speaker industry isn't geared towards them than you would think.  That being said, I was running a subwoofer.  

What market are you in?
@verdantaudio You get me then for sure. Absolutely. I technically could run a sub right now but as I said, what happens when I can't? My current speakers break at 50hz and roll off fairly quick. If I put them in my bedroom I bet they would be good in there (small room, 4 walls, corners) but in my livingroom the bass isn't cutting it. And I'm not trying to pressurize it, I just like that satisfying thump of the bass drum.

I'm in the armpit of the universe (Arizona).