Your favorite song from a RECENT cd release?

Mine is ''The painter'' from Neil Young. It is a great song, just about THE perfect song with acoustic guitar. It has nice lyrics, timing, and of course Young's unique voice. It is a joy to listen to. Sound wise, it sounds a bit congested in the low end, but who cares. I'll take a less-than-perfect song gem on a car radio any day over any Diana Krall song ( o.k Krall fans, flame me!) played on my home system. All a matter of taste, of course!
"Sunset" and "Nocturn" from Aerial by Kate Bush
I try to play other stuff by right now this disc just keeps calling easy to listen to, just seduces you.
System of a Down is heavy? probably not for some of us, to most of us yes. I am using prior experience with other memebrs, who thought Pink Floyd was too heavy !
Dance Me To the End of Love from Careless Love cd by Madeleine Peyroux. The song was written by Leonard Cohen and speaks of love and trust through a lifelime. Killer lyrics, well sung and recorded.
John Dean