Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?

Pretty sure a number of members have some equipment they have owned forever or intend to where feasible.
Curious as to what, how long so far and why?

@noromance, if someone has a non-Decapod Decca in their system and thinks it sounds lifeless, something is seriously wrong!

Decca users have for many years packed the space between the top of the metal cartridge body and the underside of the stock plastic mount with modeling clay/Plasticine, to prevent any relative movement between the two. The plastic mount attaches to the cartridge body rather flimsily, allowing a lot of flexing, and not securing the cartridge body to the headshell very well.

I had a Decca Supergold without the Decapod years ago, and now have a London Supergold with the Decapod. I can't attribute the superiority of the Decapod-fitted London over the non-Decapod Decca completely to the Decapod, as John Wright has make significant improvements to the guts of the cartridge. But the Decapod is inexpensive, and I can see no reason why it doesn't make for a more secure coupling of cartridge to arm, surely a good thing!

Thanks @bdp24 .
I also use a Garrott Export with a side screw metal bracket. It sounds very good.
I’m tempted to paint my SDR Ducati red, think anybody’d notice?
Straying for a moment I came very close to a 2014 multistrada when my dealer had the annual fire sale, but I got caught up in the hype of the sdr and never even took the MS for a demo.

After reading more of this thread and getting a better feel for it I want to throw my bose 901 VI after finally reading the instructions and suspending them from the ceiling 2’x2’x2’ in the bass lock and dynamic punch from a realistic 55wpc receiver was fascinating! Had a nosey neighbor not introduced himself and then me to ’hifi’ I would be living in ignorant bliss enjoying music instead of constantly analyzing my system for shortcomings.
Simply said, there is a lot of gear that I miss so much for various reasons. One component that has endured for occasional use is a rebuilt Carver C-9 Sonic Holographic Unit. There are times that it's effects can't be beat and there are times when I leave well enough alone.

I'd also add:  My Thiel 02 and Spendor S3/5 speakers.  I've had the Thiels (fairly cheap monitors put out when Thiel wasn't yet doing time/phase coherent designs), since '92, and the Spendors since around 2001.  The 02 was my entry in to good sounding speakers and they remain for me a sort of benchmark, the way they combine organic tone, with a chameloen-like ability to do any instrumental timbre, and an aliveness and palpability that brings everything alive.  I still put them in to my system now and again, as I have for the past few weeks, and it still seems like they have things to teach me.

Same for the little Spendors.