Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

Showing 5 responses by valinar

Bob Dylan at the Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago last Saturday night (11/8/14). Of the about ten times I have seen him this was the most enjoyable. His voice was the best in a while. He sang about half of his songs center stage front behind a microphone. The others off to the side playing an acoustic piano. In concerts past he mostly played an electronic keyboard that was mixed in very low. This concert the piano was prominent in the mix. He played a number of songs from Tempest. No introductory band, just two sets of Dylan with a twenty minute intermission between them. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Robin Trower in April. Week later- Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Brahm’s piano concerto No.1, Stephen Hough, soloist.
Boz Scaggs, October 26; fun, fun,fun. Bob Dylan October 29; best I've heard him in a long time. Never heard him play Lenny Bruce is Gone before in concert. St. Louis Symphony Nov 3; Barber's Adagio was absolutely heavenly.