A young person listening to spatial audio/apple music on some decent headphones will be thoroughly disappointed when he hears overpriced dinosaur stereo and Krell. The former is that good and the latter is on death row for many a legitimate reason.
Some young household with square footage to spare will go with a multipurpose entertainment system/HT type of setup for tv, movies, music, playstation, etc. Only dinosaurs like myself would dedicate a large room for death row stereo. To be fair, dinosaurs never had netflix or big screens at home growing up.
I am in a midwestern city (cheaper houses with basements), which has a very high percentage of young people (25 to 40 maybe) with affordable hometheater rigs. It could be true in other midwestern and some southern cities too. The coasts may be different because young people can only afford a shack or closet there.
Women have ears and money too, but, somebody needs to introduce these things to them the right way...or they’ll be sticking to headphones.