Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide

OK, here's the deal: It's pronounced "Zikes'mn", not "Zakes-man" (accent on the first syllable with a long "i" and silent "a", the second syllable with a schwa "a"). Preferred 'nick-username' is Zaikes (rhymes with 'yikes').

Anybody else out there with a username having ambiguous/obscure correct pronunciation (you know who you are), here's your big chance to set us all straight!

(And the rest of you stop snickering :-)

Friggin' Viggen...

Matty Blumpkin...

Or Marco Jax2 Polio?

And, Dave De-Cay?

Tom, I thought TWL stood for The-Wong-Langer. I pictured you as a Chinese guy wearing a mask and running around the old west righting wrong with your trusty twin Teres six-shooters and your sharp AudioPoint spurs!

And Clueless, since I'm Japanese and therefore have difficulty pronouncing the letter "L", I always referred to you as CROO-RISS.
My user name, if you want to call it that, was my email address when I signed up at AudioGon many years ago. My address was, I changed ISP's several years ago but I'm stuck with this dumb user name. I wish I could create a new name and move over all my threads, feedback ec... to the new user name. I asked AudioGon if I could create a new name and move my history over, they replied it's not possible. So... I'm stuck with an old email address for a user name
At least you all were 'wise' enough to chose an user name! In my usual haste, I overlooked that I could change the default name they (Audiogon) gave me based on my e-mail address. (The M after Brian is the first letter of last name.)