Friggin' Viggen...
Matty Blumpkin...
Or Marco Jax2 Polio?
And, Dave De-Cay?
Tom, I thought TWL stood for The-Wong-Langer. I pictured you as a Chinese guy wearing a mask and running around the old west righting wrong with your trusty twin Teres six-shooters and your sharp AudioPoint spurs!
And Clueless, since I'm Japanese and therefore have difficulty pronouncing the letter "L", I always referred to you as CROO-RISS.
Friggin' Viggen...
Matty Blumpkin...
Or Marco Jax2 Polio?
And, Dave De-Cay?
Tom, I thought TWL stood for The-Wong-Langer. I pictured you as a Chinese guy wearing a mask and running around the old west righting wrong with your trusty twin Teres six-shooters and your sharp AudioPoint spurs!
And Clueless, since I'm Japanese and therefore have difficulty pronouncing the letter "L", I always referred to you as CROO-RISS.