Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today

The good folks at Zu certainly know a thing or two about creating hype around new products. The Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale this morning. It was positioned as a first come first served release with a November delivery. I bought a pair with the "supreme" upgrade. A little risky buying without hearing them first, but I figure I can probably unload them if they're not to my liking, since they'll probably sell out. Any thoughts on these or Zu in general for that matter ..


The drivers made for Zu based on PA speakers from Eminence, but they are custom and heavily modified.  They certainly don’t sound like the few affordable PA systems I’ve known intimately.  

Thank you very much for your opinions.

I don't suppose you have done any comparison with any Klipsch from the Heritage Lineup?

I've heard Heritage III, Forte IV and Cornwall IV and besides I feel they presents the sound a little too much in the face I think they all have a bump in the midrange that I don't like at all.
Will I feel the same things with Zu DW6 and Zu speakers in general?

I actually wanted the Klipsch Forte IV and have “settled” for these Zu DW6.  While I’ve heard the Forte IV I haven’t done an extended trial as I’m not ready for that jump financially yet. But if you didn’t like those speakers you may not enjoy Zu. At least Zus more affordable offerings.  I haven’t spent any time with their more expensive offerings. However, I think in your face is a good way to describe the Zu sound.  From perusing opinions on this site and others it seems you either love or hate them. There are very few people in the middle. 

I haven’t spent as much time with the heritage series save a pair of 85’ Heresey’s with rebuilt crossovers from Bob Crites (I think that was his name I’d have to check?).  Those little things sing beautifully with tubes. 



Thanks for your thoughts.

Today I have Tannoy Legacy Eaton which I like, but they have a few drawbacks. They are just 89dB sensitive and my tube amp is just at 12w. I also think they are a little bit veild and a little bit too laidback.

I think my tube amp would love Zu DW6s 95dB sensivity. But will they be too much when it comes to soundstage? Hard question.

If I have lived in the US I had tried them out, but I'm in Sweden. Shipping cost, tax and fees will not come cheap.


Well hello from the US!  It’s a bit of a small world as my good friend who owns the studio my Zu Omen MKII live at was in the latest season of Alt for Sverige. Sucks it makes taking the dive for a pair of Zu a pain and expensive. 

I will have to do some more critical listening for sound staging. I’ve just been in joying the music and working between my laptop and phone.  Having said that, a good deal of Zu owners run tubes or specialty class A solid state with tube like character. As we speak I’m running them with my Benchmark Dac3 balanced to Rogue Audio Stereo 100 in triode mode. It’s certainly more power than your tube amp but a couple watts will play these to near rock concert levels. These speakers love tubes. 

I don’t have any experience the the Tannoy you run so unfortunate no notes there for comparison.