Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today

The good folks at Zu certainly know a thing or two about creating hype around new products. The Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale this morning. It was positioned as a first come first served release with a November delivery. I bought a pair with the "supreme" upgrade. A little risky buying without hearing them first, but I figure I can probably unload them if they're not to my liking, since they'll probably sell out. Any thoughts on these or Zu in general for that matter ..



I’m also interesting in these speakers. But I wonder how they treat poor productions? Do they kill everything that is not at least good produced?

Have you listen to any classical music? Some speakers makes violins just sound like strings without any body.

Do they sound as Darko Audio says about Soul 6: ”the Zu Soul 6 for me are closer to a scaled down version of a PA-system than any other speaker than I’ve had…”? I don’t want chamber music in a church or a jazz trio in a small club to sound like they are playing through a PA-system. 

While you can certainly tell between poorly recorded and well recorded music, this speaker doesn’t punish bad recording the way some hifi speakers I’ve listened to do. Poorly recorded music can still be very enjoyable through these speakers. 

I’m probably not the best person to attest to this speakers reproduction of stringed instruments—at least those that aren’t guitar banjo or bass and the like. I don’t listen to much classical music.  I flipped some on for giggles and it sounds good to my ears but again I’d take that with a huge grain of salt. 

I do listen to a ton of jazz. I honestly think this is one of this speakers strongest genres. If they sound like PA speakers I wanna live at the club that has them.  I think they do a great job of recreating intimate jazz recordings. I see a lot of live music, at least I did pre Covid. And also have owned PA speakers in the past for band applications.  

The DW6 uses different drivers and a different cabinet than the soul 6. Steve Guttenberg seemed to favor the DW6 over the Soul. I’ve never heard the soul so I don’t know how they wound different. Just highlighting they have some very stark differences in design and seemed to sound different to Steve. 

The drivers made for Zu based on PA speakers from Eminence, but they are custom and heavily modified.  They certainly don’t sound like the few affordable PA systems I’ve known intimately.  

Thank you very much for your opinions.

I don't suppose you have done any comparison with any Klipsch from the Heritage Lineup?

I've heard Heritage III, Forte IV and Cornwall IV and besides I feel they presents the sound a little too much in the face I think they all have a bump in the midrange that I don't like at all.
Will I feel the same things with Zu DW6 and Zu speakers in general?

I actually wanted the Klipsch Forte IV and have “settled” for these Zu DW6.  While I’ve heard the Forte IV I haven’t done an extended trial as I’m not ready for that jump financially yet. But if you didn’t like those speakers you may not enjoy Zu. At least Zus more affordable offerings.  I haven’t spent any time with their more expensive offerings. However, I think in your face is a good way to describe the Zu sound.  From perusing opinions on this site and others it seems you either love or hate them. There are very few people in the middle. 

I haven’t spent as much time with the heritage series save a pair of 85’ Heresey’s with rebuilt crossovers from Bob Crites (I think that was his name I’d have to check?).  Those little things sing beautifully with tubes.