Zu Druids upgraded Vs Essence

How does the upgraded Druid compare with the Essence?

I own a pair of the Druids and have been loving them for a few years. Was wondering if the Essence is worth the leap

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"I think you're the one who should lighten up, relax, and not be so distressed about your choice."

Ahh yes. Same as it ever was........

It's what I've come to expect from you. No problem though.....

If Ron is bringing along the new Zu Soul, you will be able to hear them vs. the Essence. The Soul is a little different, more similar to the Druids, as it shares the same tweeter.
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I see your point. But after all this IS an audio forum. We all come here to solicit opinions or give them. Don't be so hung on semantics. You are being way too literal, lighten up. I know it's my decision to make and no one will make it for me. Just asking what others thought. Any harm in that?

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Not really asking anyone what I might prefer. Just wondering if anyone has heard the two speakers might have an opinion.

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Wow, this is very distressing news. Ron Williams will be at my place on the 12th for a house party with the Essence. I will be comparing them to my Piega P-10s. I must say I think the Zus have their work cut out for them against the Piegas, but I am willing to listen. Any thoughts from the forum on how that might shake out?
Might as well join the debate....

Here are my thoughts about a recent loan of the Zu Essence speakers....

I guess the first thing to say is that, for most of the last ten years I'd been sold on B&W speakers, owning several pairs. Indeed, I still have two pairs working each day on my 2nd and 3rd systems.

A couple of years ago I started getting into valve amplification and was soon on the look-out for some high sensitivity speakers. A pair of Druids showed up on EBay and, after a brief chat with someone who knew about such things, I was persuaded to buy them. I was, however, then in for several months of doubt and dissatisfaction and I almost let them go before getting help in correctly positioning/tuning them. My opinion turned around and I began to appreciate them for their realism and dynamism. Everyone who came by for a listen, thought the whole set-up far better than they'd ever heard before (with only one exception).

After quite a while, I got to hear the Druid upgrade and was excited by the effortless presentation. So musical and the 'darkness' of the original Druids lifted. Also the congestion of the originals was gone, with the whole presentation more open and relaxing (but NOT dull!).

Anyway, about this time the Essence was starting to get some attention, with the reviews I managed to get to see suggesting that these were way ahead of the Druids, leaving me with a conundrum - seek out the Essence or upgrade the Druids, with the possibility of moving to the Essence soon after? A tough decision and that's why I was delighted to get a hold of the Essence for a proper listen.

So, what do I think about the Essence?

Cosmetics/aesthetics....nothing special but not awful either. My first audio impressions were that the highs were amazing. I was hearing things for the first time. I ran a whole bunch of different artists/genres through the audition - the usual suspects...SRV, Pink Floyd, Springsteen but also, Peter Hammill, Tom Waits, Wagner, Vivaldi, Brand X, Fuck Buttons, Fairport, Blue Nile, early-Genesis, and a bunch of others - both on vinyl and CD, including some A-B media comparisons.

So, the highs were, at times astonishing but, for me, the lows just weren't working properly. Very low of course but I couldn't make out the notes as clearly as I could via the Druids. After a day or so, I moved them away from the walls - up to a couple of feet and there's no doubt, the bass tightened. Still, there was a certain 'wooliness' or 'dullness' about the bass, and furthermore, not natural-sounding. It's as if the bass performance had been deliberately tuned to be unnaturally low.

Then I began to notice that the mid-range was slightly recessed. Vocals that had been on an even plane, seemed to be sitting a couple of feet back and lacked bite and definition. Not exciting at all. This was, perhaps not surprisingly, worse when I re-positioned the speakers back towards the wall.

After a few days I came to the conclusion that the highs were brilliant and it would be nice to have my Druids get somewhere close to that clarity. The mid-range was somewhat dull and, the bass 'homogenised' i.e. undifferentiated and, artificial. I am left feeling that the highs/mids and the lows just aren't integrated in the way the Druids are. I'm sure that the tech data would tell a different story but, as an overall listening experience, for me the Druids are more satisfying and less fatiguing.

Would I buy the Essence in the future? I would need a larger listening space for sure. Mine is a good size but has a lowish ceiling (large roofspace). I'd love my Druids to reach the Essence highs but I'm simply not convinced that the Essence bass is ever going to keep me interested.

I'm a big fan of Zu and won't be getting rid of my Druids for a very long time, if ever. I'm now definitely in the market for the upgrade or to acquire a second pair with the upgrade already fitted. I fancy a different colour from black too.

Now, what do those Definitions sound like....?
I've been told by a real Zu-ey that the Essence is unlike any other Zu model. Maybe it was put out to make a statement. This particular Zu-ey finds the ribbon to be most problematic. Not sure.
I've heard a system similiar to what Bone heard and I would concur with him. What I'm hearing in this particular room I can't get behind. Some things sound intriguing, like the dynamics. I call them the waterfall speakers, sounds like sound sprouts forth from the top but nothing beneath it for support. Maybe the setup needs changed, not sure. We're supposed to be having a Zu party in town which I'd like to go to, then hearing it properly Zu-ed up I can make an informed decision.
Thanks for posting that, Bone. Maybe they're just not for us, yet...
Zu IMHO is like the $500 car with the 2k stereo system. Something doesn't balance out. I had the Essence for 6 months with 3 different good amps and it sounded like a sub 2k speaker in some regards but a 5k speaker in others.

To my ears they are a little sharp (Not bright) regardless of placement and treatment (Moved them to an $50k designed room,) and the tweeter is weird and less than natural sounding. I think the ribbon bargain bucket.

It is extremely dynamic and can sound very present, more than most in the price range, but it is less seductive IMO.

A great choice for many.
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I have extensive experience with both Druid and Essence which includes well over 2 dozen amplifiers of every topology.

I find them far more similiar than not and am perplexed by Bonesetter's comments.

Dealer disclaimer.
Had both here.

Can't agree with Bonesetter2004.

Or to put it another way, I couldn't disagree more.
I had the chance to get a a pair of Essence over to my house for some extended listening a couple of weeks ago. Here are my thoughts.

Visual appearance: Quite ordinary looking, being ‘brown and square’ as wifey said. Druid is more unusual and contemporary looking and fit into rooms better.

The overriding initial impression of the Essence is of a tipped-up presentation. You are hit square on with a mass of detail. Coming from an upgraded Druid I have been listening to for the past 4 years (~2 years upgraded) the dynamic highs reach much further into the room. The longer, lasting impression however is one of loss of overall cohesion and balance.

A connection can be felt with the highs on a sort of sonic resonance level with the inner ear which is uncomfortable. This for want of a better word ringing, radiates from the ear down the Eustachian tube, into the back of the jaw and into the nasal pharynx of the sides of the nose. Prolonged listening at moderate volume brought on a tension type headache.

The central presentation ability is very impressive. Even at low volume levels the centre image is firm, fixed and full, albeit a little thin. On simple uncomplicated recordings, such as soft female vocal/minimalist jazz, this imaging is very striking. However, on longer listening it becomes apparent the highs are disconnected with the mids. As the highs are disproportionately projected, the mids are left behind, further back in the presentation, which separates the whole, thinning vocals and disjointing the cohesiveness of the music. There is not the relaxed ease and sheer musical flow of the Druid. When you relax your ear and attempt to soften the sound together, and look for the music, there is an overall dullness to the sound. The music suffers as a result as the mids seem quite constrained in comparison with the rest, and ultimately the sound seems as if it’s being forced through a conduit somehow strangling the music at the throat. This sounds harsh comment, and for a ‘speaker I was so wanting to like. You can’t quite lose yourself in the music, just as you’re settling in to the music, something jumps out and jars you out of the moment. It’s as if the ‘speaker is too jumped up like a overzealous excited youth.

One has to sum the Essence Druid comparison in comparing it to the 'HiFi 'Speaker vs. Music 'Speaker' issue. Druids are without doubt concerned with extracting the musical guts of a recording, regardless of its quality. Essence in comparison sounds like it's been designed to impress reviewers and 'HiFi fans'... exactly the kind of people who would have failed to understand the Druids.
I have a Druid IV - so was your upgrade path from older Druid to Essence or was it Druid IV. Another one intrigued but what I read about the Essence.
I am very intrigued by the Essence. I' sit only about 7 feet from my speakers though. Is this enough room for the soundstage to intigrate? Or should I be further back?
I have observed similar results as Helms above. The Essence is definitely a step up in performance over the Druid. That's not to say I didn't enjoy my Druids, as I did very much. The Essence is a more well rounded product, especially in the bass presentation over the Druids.
I had a pair of Zu Druids with the 08 Upgrade Kit. I sold them in August and bought the Zu Essence. In my opinion, the Essence is a much improved speaker over the Druid and is more of a full-range speaker. The Essence has much improved top end (sparkling highs) and bottom end (down to about 28 Hz before rolloff), plus the midrange is improved. They are much less critical regarding room placement, have a wider dispersion/sweet spot, and improved soundstage (depth of imaging). Well worth the effort to make the change from my perspective.
Want to hop on this thread myself to hear difference in speakers.Price drop from $5K to $3500 and difference in tweeter I'd like to know myself.Read 6moons review of both and got me wondering if I'd buy direct and new once I have ditched some other gear.Can think of it as trade off since both can be run on super cheap A/B or T or maybe S.E.T if I want to stay with tubes.