Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

And I call the next speaker to be a a Seas based Pendragon! No offical word of it but I would assume that's next on the radar. As for me, I really like the "live" music sound of the Pro drivers. It's hard to go back to "toy" audio after getting used to it... but it's all good. ;o)
Got my 8-ohm Pendragons last week, first of this type off the line.

I can't post pics in the thread, so you'll have to hit my blog to be able to see what I'm seeing right now: parttimeaudiophile.com or wp.me/p1ae3a-oQ.

I had completely forgotten what listening to full range speakers is like!
Thanks for posting. Yes we have beem following your blog. So what do you think so far. My Pendragons broke in fast because this time I used a 200 watt ss amp to do the job. So are you getting strong dynamics and bass with 3 watts? The 4 ohm variant needs about 10 I would say. Congrats and welcomes. They are a unique offering that's for sure. Are you thinking giant killer????
Nice Socrates.....I have pair number two coming shortly....what are the strengths and weaknesses? Your favorite music on them?
Nice Socrates.....I have pair number two coming shortly....what are the strengths and weaknesses? Your favorite music on them?