Always call the person you are buying from. Never buy from zero feedback sellers. Always get serial numbers from sellers on expensive pieces and call the maker to verify any service related issues, etc. Try to avoid buying from strange e-mail addresses that don't have any recognizable information. Never, Never, Never send money via Western Union to a seller. It is a very popular scam on audiogon and e-bay. Avoid deals that seem too good to be true!! Use paypal type services whenever possible. Do not send cash type payments... you are asking for trouble. Remember that sometimes it only takes one bad event to justify purchasing new products.
Buying used vs. New
Does anyone have reservations about buying used?
I used to swear buy it until recently. I bought a preamp that arrived with a humming problem from the transformer because the delivery company dropped it. Fortunately, I had bought it new and the store was able to replace it. I was just thinking, what if this was used, I would be out of luck in terms of getting it fixed. Also, I bought a used piece of equipment on Audiogon a few years ago that is now giving me trouble. It is out of warranty and was fairly expensive, and now has issues. Now I'm seriously considering buying new, even though my money will only stretch about half as far.
I used to swear buy it until recently. I bought a preamp that arrived with a humming problem from the transformer because the delivery company dropped it. Fortunately, I had bought it new and the store was able to replace it. I was just thinking, what if this was used, I would be out of luck in terms of getting it fixed. Also, I bought a used piece of equipment on Audiogon a few years ago that is now giving me trouble. It is out of warranty and was fairly expensive, and now has issues. Now I'm seriously considering buying new, even though my money will only stretch about half as far.
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- 60 posts total
- 60 posts total