Looking 4 a high quality phono line stage $5k-$8k

I'm considering moving away from my Ayre K-1xe preamp with phono and going to a dedicated phono pre instead. For table I have a Clearaudio Champion II with a Graham 2.2 arm and ZYX Airy 3 cartridge. The one thing I would like is a phono pre that accepts balanced input. Can anyone make suggestions on possible options and I'd also welcome any feedback on positive and negative attributes associated with a dedicated phono preamp. Thanks!
I would recommend the ASR Basis Exclusive. It is the one phono preamp I would consider to replace my phono boards in my K-1xe! (My friend uses one, so I am very familiar with it.) New they go for $7K, and used they go for about $4K, (and sometimes a little less).

Similarities to the Ayre K-1xe:

It is designed to use balanced cables as it is a fully balanced design.

It is extremely quiet.

It has lots of gain and loading options.
(And it is easier to change than the K-1xe as it is done with DIP switches, rather than swapping resisters.)

It is very musical.


Differences to the Ayre K-1xe:

It can handle two inputs, as the unit actually has two separate phono preamps in the same chasis.

It operates on batteries, rather than directly on the AC line. (It has an AC cord, which it uses to automatically recharge the on-board batteries whenever the unit senses that an LP is not playing. When the unit is playing an LP, it switches the AC off-line. Pretty cool, huh?!)

It needs a separate interconnect to connect to your preamp. (That is about the only negative thing about the unit I can say.)

As you can see by the fact that I know this unit very well that I am a big fan of the ASR Basis Exclusive!

It has been very favorably reviewed by most reviewers, including Fremer (see link below), as well as Harry Pearson with TAS who gave it a Golden Ear Award.

Stereophile Review

My two cents worth anyway.
If willing to accept tubes and buying used (to stay in your price range):

Aesthetix Io Signature (add the optional volume controls with the single high level input and your back to one integrated device)

Atma-Sphere MP-1 (a full function preamp with an excellent phono stage)

Manley Steelhead (single ended)

For purchase new within your price range:

Aesthetix Rhea

Herron VTPH-2 (single ended only)

I'm curious about your criteria for balanced input from the cartridge (if I read you correctly). The Atma-Sphere preamps are one of the few I know to use a true balanced input. I believe the BAT VK P10SE may have balanced input, as well. The Aesthetix has a DIN connector input, but it converts in first gain stage to balanced and then is fully balanced from the second gain stage on.
The original VK-P10 is single-ended in the first gain stage(even when using XLR phono inputs.) The later VK-P10SE is fully balanced from input to output.

In this price range I second the recommendation of a used Atma MP-1. If you can live without a remote control, this might be your last ever preamp.