Which Headphone Amp in the $500 - $800 range

I like to upgrade from am EarMax (original) which I love the sound of, but believe it to be a tad unpowered for my HD 600's. Would someone be able to lend a hand? Would love a Single Power but it appears out of my price range.

Thanks much, Poots
Good advice about rolling around at headfi.org

I love my Woo Audio WA6 single-ended, class A headphone amp. I do suggest going ahead and ordering it with the upgraded rectifier tube.

I can recommend the SinglePower that I use with my 650's...I previously drove them with Musical Fidelity's X-Can3 (bloated bass)...the SP is perfect...wait and find one used as I did...you will still need to crank it up but the sound is too sweet!
Second the motion for hanging in there for the SinglePower. I'm using the MPX3 and ordered it with dual RCA output jacks from Mikael (used demo). I use it as my main stereo preamp and bi-amp with it when not using my 650's.

Many adapter sockets available for both the driver and output locations ($100 ea.). Neat thing: Its'single driver tube has noticebly more effect on the the unit's character than the changing of the two output tubes. Something to think about if you run into more exotic stuff as you only need to purchase 1 to get the real flavor of the tube.

FYI, the MPX3 uses the 6SN7 in all three tube positions in it's standard form (no adapters).