Chashmal, I will have to stand up for my $3000+CDP. It usually comes as close to analog, and at times, clearly better than my analog set up. I enjoy both.
Digital is not just polishing a turd. I don't blame you though. I have auditioned many 'Ref' digital set ups ( >> $3000 CDP) and while they are marginally better, it would have you conclude that digital is indeed polishing a turd. But there are some low priced CD players and Ref systems (Zanden, AN and Kondo for example, which may be considered 'low tech' by many by current SOA standard) that does stand head above shoulder from the rest of the pack.
Disclaimer: I have not heard the newer offerings from Playback Design and Lector
Digital is not just polishing a turd. I don't blame you though. I have auditioned many 'Ref' digital set ups ( >> $3000 CDP) and while they are marginally better, it would have you conclude that digital is indeed polishing a turd. But there are some low priced CD players and Ref systems (Zanden, AN and Kondo for example, which may be considered 'low tech' by many by current SOA standard) that does stand head above shoulder from the rest of the pack.
Disclaimer: I have not heard the newer offerings from Playback Design and Lector