Latest Stereophile - Recommended Components

I wonder if it's just me or have I missed something. I received the latest Stereophile that has the latest "Recommended Components" and it seemed like the number of amps listed is very short. In fact, there seems to be a heavy emphasis on listings for turntables and CD/DVD players and a number of speakers and that's about it.
The lists are a waste of time that IMO take up space that could be devoted to more interesting reading. I was disappointed when TAS started doing one too. Guess it's cheaper than offering something more substantive.

I actually think the "recommended components lists" are helpful for sending me in a particular direction for an audition. I can then listen to the gear next to it or whatever the sales person want to show me in comparison. I don't always agree with the mag/online reviewers, but sometimes I do, and in those cases I might never have looked at the piece if not recommended in the magazine or online.
I was just stating my personal view on these lists. Others, like yourself, may find some value in them. I'm certainly not knocking anyone who finds them useful to some extent just because I don't. There was a time when I found them quite interesting as well.