Need advice from experienced sellers

I have a well regarded integrated amp which has a dim display. I've discussed having this repaired with the manufacturer and the cost of repair with shipping could run as high as $400-$500. I've noticed these units go quickly at $3000 and few have been available recently.

I've pondered whether to sell the unit as is with a discount to compensate for the fact that it isn't 100% or risk having it sent in for repair. If I send it in for repair should I sell it from the repair site or have it shipped back to me so I can check it out and verify its condition before selling. How would you handle this?

Thanks in advance!
If you are going to have it repaired, ship it back to yourself to check before selling.
I would try to sell it before repair with the cost savings..Some may not worry about the lighting and may be able to afford buying it with the lower pricetag..This way you don't risk shipping the item twice and the buyer knows exactly what he is dealing with..
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