Unless you are experiencing some definite problem at the present time - such as an identifiable noise or tripping your breaker, going to dedicated lines is not going to make any difference whatsoever. It is important to have have a clean ground, a circuit that can supply the required current, and follow common sense procedures to avoid such things as ground loops. You are not going to gain anything from changing your outlets, wiring etc. It certainly isn't going to sound any different. As to outlets, the 2 dollar outlet from home depot is going to 'sound' the same as anything else you buy and going with different outlets wireing etc isn't going to matter. I spent decades working as a biomedical engineer, including advising, specifying, and selecting power distribution equipment for safety concerns, reliability, low noise applications, critical care environments and everthing that came up. My formal educational background in that field is a BSEE. From that background and experience I can tell you that 'improving' your power system just to make your audio system sound better is nothing more than a waste of money.