Home Wiring?

The only weakness in my currently killer system is in the power section. Right now I'm still running it off my main house box with all the components on the same line out of the same outlet. I know - not a good idea. So I'm here to ask about how I should go about putting in a dedicated line. What do I need? What audiophile level parts should I get? Do I need an electrician? Can I put in another box? Does anything I get have to run off the incoming power from the power company?

I really have no clue about this stuff. I was looking over at Audioexcellence for outlets (the Oyaides look nice) and Acrolink in-wall wires. Any other suggestions?

I listened to more music today and want to share another aspect. BTW, I have not made any additional tweaks yet so it is the same setup as yesterday.

I played some solo piano pieces only and I almost did not like having all components plugged into just the AP wired outlet. I thought it was a little too exaggerated regarding decay and air. With too much of these aspects it sounded like a little too much reverb was added or you were in a room that echoes. When I switched the CDSD only over to the Romex wired outlet but left the DCC2 on AP wired outlet it improved. The higher octaves had more detail and less residual artifacts which seemed more natural.

I still have not moved any of my sources onto vibration control pieces so I am not sure if this would provide a similar benefit. Also, I do not know how long break-in is on this wire so not sure what the final sound will be like. But for right now I am leaning towards having at least two different types of wired outlets. I guess it is no different than having other different cables (PC, interconnect, or speaker). That way you can control the amount of certain characteristics.


A sincere thanks for the report. This actually helps out a lot. I have my entire system on vibration control, and it definitely makes a discernible difference, especially in terms of reproducing transients accurately, increasing speed and PRAT, tightening up images and producing them with more weight and 3-dimensionality and delivering better dynamics - and this is on my headphone system, so I imagine it'd be even more dramatic on a speaker system.

I wonder what the difference between the AP, Acrolink, and JPS Labs cables are? It appears the AP is just a bit cheaper than the Acrolink at $30 compared to $33 a foot.

I looked up Isoclean as well and it appears that might be a really helpful site in terms of figuring out what I need to set up a high-quality dedicated line. What, specifically, do you recommend from them?

BTW, my system is:

-Harmonix Reimyo CDP-777 w/Upgrade Company mod
-Single Power SDS-XLR Custom headphone amplifer
-Sony MDR-R10 headphones
-Ultrasone Edition 9 headphones
-Virtual Dynamics Genesis IC
-Virtual Dynamics Master PCs
-Grand Prix Monaco Modular Isolation Rack
No1willfan, Thanks for the info on other electrical wires I will defintely look into it. It will have to wait until after next Tuesday as I am leaving for London this evening.

I, or another local audiophile, have tried most of the Isoclean products. I also have installed the Isoclean panel and a special grounding rod outside the house. The panel is very special but the whole solution is very expensive. I also have their top of the line power cable which I like. The other Isoclean solutions can also get expensive but soemtimes with mixed results. So it depends on what is trying to be achieved. If you want more specifics you can email me. I am bringing my laptop but may or may not get to it until I return. Regards,