feet and legs

I had a 250 lb 'slab' of maple made on which I will place all of my equipment. It is 7.5' long x 2' wide x 4" thick.
My room has a suspended, hardwood floor.
Right now the slab is on the floor but I would like to raise it up 1" to 3" and I'm looking for something to put between the floor and the slab that will treat the vibrations coming up from the floor. I say 'treat' rather than 'absorb' because I've always disliked the effect that rubbery substances and textiles have on sound.
Whatever I put under the slab has to hold at least 750 lbs.

I'm considering Sistrum stands but am having a hard time getting in touch with the manufacturer.

I'd like to go with a Harmonix product but they are outrageously over-priced.

I'm thinking about making my own feet from wood: can someone suggest a species of wood that might work for this purpose? If so, what shape should it be? I wonder if ebony would work?

Any ideas would be appreciated. Please don't comment if all you want to say is something like: "why didn't you just buy a rack from..."

One of the most effective woods I've tried in combination with my maple slab is Zebrawood, available at wood specialty stores. But I use it above the slab between it and the component.

I have my 2" wood slab supported on top of my vintage wooden credenza (a real no-no for audio components, supposedly) with V-Pads, available at heating and air conditioning supply stores. Although they absorb floor vibes they do not deaden the sound in the least. V-pads are devices of cork sandwhiched between ribbed rubber surfaces - identical to the devices Mapleshade recommends for their maple slabs, but larger. They're actually quite firm in resiliance. The V-pads available from HVAC stores measure 4"x4"x1". They hold quite a bit of weight, you can stack them, and use several stacks along the length of your slab to support your entire set-up.
I actually replaced the solid brass speaker spikes on the bottom my Von Schweikert VR4JRs which rest on a carpeted suspended wood floor and noticed a significant tightening of bass - which really surprised me since conventional wisdon is that spikes are best.
And, they are dirt cheap. About $3.00 apiece. So it is an inexpensive experiment - say 5 each along the front and back lengths as well as along at the midpoint length of the width for a total of 15 and a cost of $45.00 If you like the effect, and also want to increase the height just stack them up. Don;t let the ultra low cost muslead you. They are remarkable effective. They will also protect your hardwood floors.
Let me know if you can't find any; I may be able to help you.
My configuration is the credenza with v-Pads on top, then the maple slab - with spiked component on top of the slab. Resolution is outstanding.
Hey why not place truck inner tubes under the slab of maple. I would place one on each end and one in the middle.
I highley recommend the Mystery/Super Mystery feet from Marigo Audio.I use them under all of my gear. They come with a 30 day money back guarantee.