Sell Hi-Fi and invest in stock market?

Should i sell my expensive gear and put the money in the stock market? Hopefully I could get a large gain and buy better equipment down the road. Anybody doing this?
BTW: The gold that I purchased in 1999 for $275.00 oz just went back up $50.00 today(to $800.00 oz). It's been on a roller coaster ride for the last few months, tracking the price of crude. The Global economic crash(or skyrocketing oil prices) will jack it WAY up shortly. SURE: I HOPE I'm wrong!!
Market hasn't bottomed out yet. I said 3 years ago it was overinflated and would be down to 7500. (Not to pat myself on the back, but also told my associates about the mortgage issues we currently face). Having had hit 7500 Thursday, now I se 6000-6500 as the bottom number. Its ugly out there. Cash is king. Commercial paper for me, heddging with bonds.
why do you need to sell your gears to invest? why not buy audio and invest at the same time ? Hint-Hint "Mcintosh"
Don't sell your hi-fi. Do invest in the stock market. At this point you don't even need to bet on how well a company is going to do, you're really just betting it will stay afloat. If GM doesn't close it's door, it will be back up to $30 in 3 years.