Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?

Celebrity Audiophiles? Do you guys know of any?
People and their systems? I was always curious.

I only know of one - "Fabio" with his elaborate system shown long ago with some Transparent adds in a magazine.

Any others that you know off?
Mike Piazza, the former all-star NY Mets catcher. I recall reading that his NYC apartment had a dedicated sound-proofed listening/home theater room, with Krell electronics. This apartment (he no longer lives there) was a few blocks from Sound By Singer, so I don't know if he's an audiophile or just some rich guy who passed by the store one day.
Anthony Cordesman also wrote for the TAS many a moon ago. While the mag was in it's golden years.
Anthony Cordesman currently writes for The Absolute Sound. He doesn't have a review in the current issue so maybe somone else can chime in as to what his current set-up is. (I don't save my issues.) From memory I recall that he currently has Pass electronics in his reference system. He has been a fan of Thiel speakers for some time, but I don't recall if that's his current speaker. Before the Thiels he was a big fan of Apogee speakers, IIRC.

I didn't realize his "day job" until the first Gulf War back in 1990-91. This military analyst was on tv, with maps and a pointer, and a name flashes on the screen, Anthony Cordesman, and my jaw dropped.
You will see a SOTA turntable and I think maybe Piega SA speakers on "House". Hugh Laurie plays guitar and piano so my guess it was his call.
Stereophile did a story on Fabio's megasystem years ago, so I guess he listens when hes not preaning or scraping birds off his face.
I think Kim Katrall from Sex and the City used to be married to Mark Levenson, so she might have nice sound at home?
I notice some high end gear on the "House" TV show. Is Hugh Laurie an audiophile or is it staging for his persona?