Upgrade...Sounds great...Goes away

Has anyone experienced this?

You upgrade your system, componenet, cable etc
You reach another level of detail, transparency etc
You listen to a few of your records/sacd's etc and you cant believe how much better it sounds
You wait a few days and the perceived effect is not really noticable or is pretty much diminished
So you have to repeat step one
audiogon forums are good examples of group think. many members will believe opinions and recommendations without thinking for themselves. when someone suggests that is not a good idea, he gets critocozed for it.

i guess political correctness applies to the world of audio as it does in other areas.
Sometimes a change,is just that.
When was political correctness an issue-just the facts maam.Dragnet!
Yes! Now I have something else to change/improve to move towards a sound that I am happier with. Sometimes it's change sometimes it's improvement and sometimes it's both. Adding vibration removing devise(Navcom pucks) is a change that led to an improvement in detail equaling cleaner leading edges throughout the spectrum equaling more detail. Now that there is more detail I can hear more and want to change something that I wasn't aware of before. Isn't this one example of how our systems evolve?
Samhar- YES, BUT: You're just imaging the improvement. You know: The (ubiquitous/inevitable/worthless) 'Placebo-Babble', er... I mean, 'Placebo-Effect'. KUDOS on your experimentation. Don't give up the Quest.