Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?

I know, money talks, bullshi* walks...
But having owned an audio store for about a dozen years, I know how tough it is to 'make a living' for a mom and pop store, without some sugar daddy/momma in the background funding the enterprize.
So, I am wondering if the nice folks of Audiogon support local businesses?
As I stated, "Money Talks" and I get it, we all want the best 'value' for our money. The question is...when does the price versus local support begin/end. When does the follow up and or service/set up outweigh the raw savings?
To be clear, I am not talking fantastic discounts, but a few percentage points off retail. I remember a painful transaction that I had once, during which a customer had taken home a particular CD player two weekends running, only to purchase elsewhere because he 'saved' $53.00 (on a $500. item). OUCH!
I contended that without the long term audition, he had nothing on which to base his purchase? How does everyone else see this?
Right now, its obviously a tough financial climate out there, but looking to more normal times, I am wondering how many of the readers/writers of Audiogon would forego price for service/set up? OK, forget buying great used pieces for fractions of original retail, everyone must probably assume that that's good for everyone, including the dealers, as this frees up customers who are now, 'back in the hunt'.

It will be interesting to hear back, it's been some time since the Brick and Mortar (at least for me) question was aired out.

Mitch2 has, IMHO, presented the history of the demise of B&M dealers, in the most concise and intelligent manner possible.

This horse is not only long out of the barn, it has died! Folks who want to make money in the audio industry aught to pay attention to what guys like Kevin Deal are doing. There are a few more drops of blood in the rock, but you've got to squeeze the hell out of it.
With all due respects to you to, this is a public forum as far as I can gather, if one types something, I think everyone on here is entitled to add a thread or comment. If you want to say something personal to just one individual then why not shoot them an e/mail instead of on here for all to see, and maybe comment on? I do not have an axe to grind with you, just in case you think I do.
have a good day and happy listening.
Life is too short to let things like that bother me after I say my peace. Good day to you too and be well.
as manufacturers sell direct to consumers, they take upon themselves the dual role of designer and retailer. if this trend continues, it will decrease the likelihood of continued viability of the "high end" audio store.

as a consumer buying from a manufacturer, with a home trial and return option has a distinct advantage over buying from an audio store, as the manufacturer is a usually a better source of source of information about the product he/she sells than most audio dealers.

I wonder what will be around longer... this website, other's like it, or local dealers?

Or.... maybe even this thread and other's like it?

In each case we can uncover more opinions, facts, and perspectives, and seller/buyer relationships via the local shops, or simply leave things go whatever way they might of their own volition.

Remember too the dart thrown into the local distribution array by VSA not too long ago, without indicating this new plan to their current dealer force beforehand.

Somewhat contrary to the gloomy atmosphere surrounding local audio entities, is within the past six years two more BM audio stores have sprouted up in my area, making for a total of four independently owned & operated outlets, whilst major chains are reorganizing or dying off.

Two of these are making some presence kknown here.

Another which relocated to this area from a left coast location it previously maintained, fuels it's own web centered buying aspiration.
