Power Conditioners Recommendations

Looking for some recommendations.
In your opinion / experience what would you say is a good deal / good value power conditioner for about $250 used?

I am looking at Adcom ACE-515 as the ceapest at about $70, Monster Power HTS 36000Mk2 for about $160 up to Furman PF Pro at $250.
Anything else?
I have a tube amp and CD player for a source

Ngjockey, there are others too and they work well. Some have power regulation and surge protection. Seems to me that they act as one big filter without killing speed and dynamics. I don't think I have seen anyone post on this before. I have seen pictures of big iso tranny's in a garage hooked up to dedicated lines. Looked bigger than 70 lbs. I won't be going there however.

When you look at critical applications in laboratory, medical and industrial/commercial, there is virtually no question. They use transformers. For the latter, it is often step-down transformers that serve dual purpose and they're quite common.

Generally, I prefer core type transformers to toroidal because they are more effective filters but it's often a question of packaging. Occasionally, but not typically, they can have a mechanical hum which is one reason, along with aesthetics, they are installed remotely.

If you want regulation, look at Sola Hevi-duty, but they're not cheap.

I have a 120 lb, 5KVA, GE step-down in a closet, with a subpanel, that's fed 240V and creatively wired to supply balanced (60+/60-) AC to dual, bridged amps. It cost $100 off Ebay and $150 for shipping. A third, 1600W bass amp is direct to the wall. Also, a smaller (500VA) iso for the CDP. Dead quiet. The TVC passive line stage also provides some galvanic isolation.
Ngjockey, that is pretty impressive arsenal. You have taken this much further than most. Right now I am using a 1500w step-down with regulation to a dedicated circuit. Seems you have added your own regulation or the best possible regulation by feeding the 240 directly into the step-down.