If you lost your stereo system would you still ???

Would you still be enthralled by the music. Enjoy and listen to it. How much difference does a fine stereo make to you. Lets say you would have a $500 to listen to. Are you too concerned about the accuracy or would you still listen because you love the nusic. I think I would still listen but would always want more. I think that whats drives us. The audio bug. A $5000 system is not good enough. A $10,000 is not good enough and so on. But what would you do if the $500 system is all you will have to live with. Will you abandon your hobby? I know I would spend less time. Mike
hi gawdbless:

this is my very last statement on the subject:

all stereo systems are inaccurate, period, since all components are inaccurate.

the music is more important to feeling happy when listening than sound quality. you can connect with a walkman or a $100,000 stereo. while they don't sound the same, the emotions and joy from listening to the music can be the same, if you are open minded.

there is sometimes a tendency to confuse music appreciation with sound appreciation. listen to an 78 rpm of enrico caruso. i hope you will enjoy it even though the sound quality may be less than ideal.
I have a backup el cheapo consisting of quality components from thrift shops, and a few decent priced pieces from ebay. Most all vintage stuff though. If I can find an original Nakamichi MB cd player I'll be all set. I'll probably set it up in the bedroom, so any ladies out there come on by and check it out. wink wink
Gawdbless....your response is accurate to a T and is exactly how I feel about music too. And by the way even after we get lowered into the ground like the song says "The Band Played On".
I remember being out late on Saturday nights.The local radio station had a tradition of playing the same tune at Midnight each week.
Funkadelic's Maggotbrain.
....and I was not offended,...
I was just thinking of Maggotbrain a couple days ago.Remember it was a little record inside the Parliament/Funkadelic album?Cool,Bob