If you lost your stereo system would you still ???

Would you still be enthralled by the music. Enjoy and listen to it. How much difference does a fine stereo make to you. Lets say you would have a $500 to listen to. Are you too concerned about the accuracy or would you still listen because you love the nusic. I think I would still listen but would always want more. I think that whats drives us. The audio bug. A $5000 system is not good enough. A $10,000 is not good enough and so on. But what would you do if the $500 system is all you will have to live with. Will you abandon your hobby? I know I would spend less time. Mike
Gawdbless....your response is accurate to a T and is exactly how I feel about music too. And by the way even after we get lowered into the ground like the song says "The Band Played On".
I remember being out late on Saturday nights.The local radio station had a tradition of playing the same tune at Midnight each week.
Funkadelic's Maggotbrain.
....and I was not offended,...
I was just thinking of Maggotbrain a couple days ago.Remember it was a little record inside the Parliament/Funkadelic album?Cool,Bob
Yup A lot of the time I listen to music over my computer and don't even turn on my main system. I love music for the sake of the music. I also play classical piano so I guess that sums it all up for me.