If you lost your stereo system would you still ???

Would you still be enthralled by the music. Enjoy and listen to it. How much difference does a fine stereo make to you. Lets say you would have a $500 to listen to. Are you too concerned about the accuracy or would you still listen because you love the nusic. I think I would still listen but would always want more. I think that whats drives us. The audio bug. A $5000 system is not good enough. A $10,000 is not good enough and so on. But what would you do if the $500 system is all you will have to live with. Will you abandon your hobby? I know I would spend less time. Mike
Yup A lot of the time I listen to music over my computer and don't even turn on my main system. I love music for the sake of the music. I also play classical piano so I guess that sums it all up for me.
Listening to a lesser system is kinda like whackin' off.....it ain't like the real thing but it still satisfies.
Tpsonic , If you were in Cleveland doing the listening , Maggotbrain can still be heard same time same station [ Mr. Classic ]
I downsized my system because I was spending less time listening, but I still listen, whether it's in the sweet spot or in the background.

Sometimes I enjoy listening to the system I have out in the garage more, even though it's FM only, but that may be more a result of being in my own little world.
I would go with a headphones. You can get a pretty decent headphone setup for $500. I didn't say good but, descent.

I spent somewhere between $500 and $1k on my headphone setup when the main rig had to go because of the arrival of twin boys.

I like to listen to music but, enjoy it more when the system is more revealing.