If you lost your stereo system would you still ???

Would you still be enthralled by the music. Enjoy and listen to it. How much difference does a fine stereo make to you. Lets say you would have a $500 to listen to. Are you too concerned about the accuracy or would you still listen because you love the nusic. I think I would still listen but would always want more. I think that whats drives us. The audio bug. A $5000 system is not good enough. A $10,000 is not good enough and so on. But what would you do if the $500 system is all you will have to live with. Will you abandon your hobby? I know I would spend less time. Mike
I’ve found out just what I’ll do if my main rig went away… I’d adjust. Some way or t’other. I’d slide into something far less expensive too, I’m pretty sure.

I’m not entirely sure it is because I love music though. It probably is however. I know this because during the “Sweet jumpijn’ Jellyfish!”, past year, I’ve been making a lot of changes around here and my main deal has been all but shelved. Just sitting there covered up with towels. Since Feb. 08 it might have been played 30 hours. Maybe.

I kept getting more and more despondent & disinterested in music by and large. But I never put it together. My ongoing disinterest in music, and the absence of fine sounding tunes being played regularly..

Yesterday I decided to disconnect the main speakers from the HT deal and just use the tubes at last, primarily because I wanted to see how the new NAS drive + PC as source would do with better gear running the show.


After working out some network sharing bugs…. It was such a major improvement I was stupefied by how long it had been since I had sat down to listen without listening in a critical way. Actually I was mystified by why I had gone so long without firing up my first string players!

Not only had I forgotten how much better the sound was that routinely had been my near only venue for music… I was remarkably and pleasantly mesmerized by the sheer degree of improvement that came by way of purely HDD – PC+ DAC sounds. Not to mention the convenient variety of music just a click away now.

… and it was great fun too.

I had simply gotten used to watching TV & movies via the HT sys, and listening to tunes only sporadically thru it these past months.

The diffs were so astounding, it still amazes me how when my focus to other areas became entrenched, that I lost track of the feeling which came from hearing music in a pretty good system so often…. And then to just quit doing it altogether! Wow.

Maybe I had even gone to the point of taking that rig for granted, and quit appreciating it’s capabilities, performance level and it’s impact on myself.
Wow. How I managed that I have no clue.

Play your rig often… if you don’t, you might forget just how good it really is and what it means to you in other areas, and try not to take it for granted.

…. OR shelve it for six or eight months and then get amazed all over again.
i do most of my listening in rental cars, so the answer is yes. no high end system in the world can compare hearing my cd's blairing from all sides in a garden variety chevy with the windows down in the summer.
Let me ask this question...
If the music you had to listen to was not live...would you still listen to music?
All music is live.Then its dead.Can only be live once.Then its on to CD,record,vinyl......still gets listened to no doubt.Thats why were here looking for playback machines.Can't rely on the Wind and not all people can sing very good,YMMV,Bob