If you lost your stereo system would you still ???

Would you still be enthralled by the music. Enjoy and listen to it. How much difference does a fine stereo make to you. Lets say you would have a $500 to listen to. Are you too concerned about the accuracy or would you still listen because you love the nusic. I think I would still listen but would always want more. I think that whats drives us. The audio bug. A $5000 system is not good enough. A $10,000 is not good enough and so on. But what would you do if the $500 system is all you will have to live with. Will you abandon your hobby? I know I would spend less time. Mike
What kind of weed was that?We always used to say,I'd rather listen to a boombox and Thai or Columbian than a Mcintosh-Luxman system with nothing,YMMV,Bob
As crazy as things are right now with a new house and getting back in to life back home after being in Iraq, finding time to sit and enjoy music from the "system" is few and far between. A radio that most would throw away (tooth-pick holds the volume knob so both speakers will work sometimes) sits in the garage and plays my favorite tunes. $500? Yeah I could do that, but it sure is fun not having to.
If we improve the buget to $1500 for the crap gear, I could do it. In my car (Toyota Camry) I listen to music for hours and the sonics bear no ill influence. Full enjoyment. If I could only rig up a system at least that good it would be easy to concentrate on the music, but I would frequently long for another $2000 (minimum) to help out a little.
Thanks R,I was starting to lose control what with all those flashbacks going past at the speed of light.The lines in the road just look like dots.YMMV,cheers,Bob