Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating

I know most of us here on this site probably don't shop there, but what impact other than the obviously painful loss of jobs. How does this bode for the other stores? More and better sales?

The Magnolia in Best Buy here in Louisville is terrible. No one greets you or says HI or nods or gives you any feed back at all. If you gave them a moon shot over their heads they probably wouldn't notice that either. I have escorted my customers in to their store to show them products I could not supply and received no attention at all. Tom
Word has it that has the liquidation contract. We won't get any worthy deals (like they sell good gear anyway?).
I went in to Circuit City just before Xmas for a game for my grandson and checked the audio rooms out. It looked as if they had already liquidated at this store. I won't go back looking for any deals.
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