Predicting the AGon economy?

What are your thoughts on how the high-end audio market will fare given the current state of the economy?

We're not exactly your typical demographic when it comes to being hit by a recession. I know people who would sell their bed before downgrading their rig. On the other hand, most sales on this site (ostensibly) are the result of upgrading which is probably reduced at this point. So with both supply and demand going down, I haven't really seen very many price fluctuations.

I'm no expert on economics, but it seems that even this market should have an optimal time to buy. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I haven't been able to figure this one out.
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Economy SP error. Working on my spelling and editing skills thanks to Chad.
I would tend to agree with Tvad concerning higher asking prices. I have spent the past month making offers on a processor for my home theater system and getting nowhere. However, that may be based more on the fact that processors, along with wire, are the most overpriced components when new and their market value drops like a rock once they are used. Especially those without HDMI and /or the latest high definition sound modes. I think sellers of processors way overpaid, now want the latest and greatest, and cannot bring themselves to sell their pieces at realistic prices.
I agree with Kira. I just bought a B&K Ref 20, listed at $2500 for $350. I needed a remote preamp with dacs, composite video switching, and headphone jack for my office where sound is more important than picture. I just have as old 27" Panny with one comp. input. Unless somebody wants a very specific piece, these things just aren't worth a lot. Dan