Guitar's...what do the audionuts play?

I have a Larrivee LSV-11 and put a downpayment on a Paul Reed Smith Custom "24" with a burled "10" top(Emerald Green).
I have my '77 strat with EMG's that I've kept around since I was 15. It was really junk, but my mother bought it for me, so I can't get rid of it.
I'm using an '83 Mark IIC Boogie that I bought brand new.
there are alot of luthiers out there that can make a guitar
any way you like for about 1.5X the price of a martin or a taylor (blanchard, applegate, ryan's). as for electrics, a mcnaught is as nice (or nicer) than a PRS for about the same money. or go to e-bay and look at the two melancon electrics for sale... AND, IMHO, you need a really good tube amp to play through or you're wasting your time, and there are a bunch of "boutique" amps out there as well, hand-made point to point wiring, the whole nine yards. if you like to spend $$$ there's plenty of choices available. the only area i see lacking is wire (i.e.- guitar cords, interconnects between stomp boxes or rack gear, etc.) but no doubt they'll get there soon enough. as of right now it's usually Monster cable that is sold as "premium".
Boogie MK2C. Haven't used it since '95 as I can't be bothered to turn it on(the acoustics are taken up my time).
I usually play a boring ol' 90's American Standard Telecaster. I have some nicer, more collector-type stuff, but for live nothing beats a Tele.

The only effect I use on a regular basis is a vintage reissue RAT pedal just set to goose the amp a little. I run this into a Dr. Z Carmen Ghia (about as minimalist a tube as you can get) head feeding a Carvin open backed 4x10. Not the best cabinet, but good enough.
I'm picking up my fourth PRS in about a month and also have a Turner Compass Rose.