Headphone Amps and Portable/Personal Stereo???

I've ordered the top-line Grado RS1i Headphones for $535 brand new. I'm a very poor audiophile so I'm never going to be able to afford the audio system I really want. I thought maybe I could put togeter the most amazing personal stereo system to enjoy music.

I'm considering the Musical Fidelity X-CAN v8 for a head amp but it's a little too expensive ($499 on sale). Also, I don't know what source to use...mp3 player?, portable cd player?, standard cd player...??? I know very little about mp3 or their quality, or how they interface etc. Anybody have any ideas? I'd be mightly appreciable for your help.
I would not recommned the MF for your phones and think it would sound bright. Impedance matching is very important and the grado has a low impedance at 32 ohms. Actually I would listen to the RA-1. I use an RA-1 battery unit with Ultrasone 2500 with great results. Very natural, organic sound. As a bonus the Ra-1 will give some level of portablility as well. I would recommend a std cd source although it is not clear about your portability needs.
You should decide wether you want a portable system or not. The MF is not portable. I think you can get substantially better performance if you don't require portability. Personally, I would look for a used Stax SRM-1 with Lambda Pro combo in the $500 range. Add a good and inexpensive cdp, and you will have amazing headphone listening.

Good luck.
I would not recommend mp3 files but if you get a big enough digital player and use a lossless codec you should be fine. If you do some research at head-fi.com, you will get tons of info on headphones.