Headphone Amps and Portable/Personal Stereo???

I've ordered the top-line Grado RS1i Headphones for $535 brand new. I'm a very poor audiophile so I'm never going to be able to afford the audio system I really want. I thought maybe I could put togeter the most amazing personal stereo system to enjoy music.

I'm considering the Musical Fidelity X-CAN v8 for a head amp but it's a little too expensive ($499 on sale). Also, I don't know what source to use...mp3 player?, portable cd player?, standard cd player...??? I know very little about mp3 or their quality, or how they interface etc. Anybody have any ideas? I'd be mightly appreciable for your help.
The RA-1 is basically a CMOY, which you can find all over ebay for about 30 bucks. If the wooden enclosure means a lot to you go for it, but I'd personally never buy an RA-1. I'd recommend looking for something like a used Gilmore Lite.
Not Sure what CMOY means but if $30 gets you an RA-1 sounds like a bargain. Condocondor, Try the RA-1 either used or from a reputable dealer where you have time to return it if you do not like it...I think you will be surprised.
Rello- CMOY is a headphone amp, built from an "open source" design by DIYers and some small shops. Search head-fi.org and you'll find a lot about it. No idea how the circuit compares to an RA-1.
Hens, thank you for your suggestion regarding Audio-Gd. Unfortunately, my wife, who is psychic (seriously)says this company steals other peoples' designs for which her "Spirit Guide" does not approve of or agree with. I guess it's an integrity thing. I was really encouraged when I went to the site but the wife says, "NO WAY" for this company.