Headphone Amps and Portable/Personal Stereo???

I've ordered the top-line Grado RS1i Headphones for $535 brand new. I'm a very poor audiophile so I'm never going to be able to afford the audio system I really want. I thought maybe I could put togeter the most amazing personal stereo system to enjoy music.

I'm considering the Musical Fidelity X-CAN v8 for a head amp but it's a little too expensive ($499 on sale). Also, I don't know what source to use...mp3 player?, portable cd player?, standard cd player...??? I know very little about mp3 or their quality, or how they interface etc. Anybody have any ideas? I'd be mightly appreciable for your help.
Rello- CMOY is a headphone amp, built from an "open source" design by DIYers and some small shops. Search head-fi.org and you'll find a lot about it. No idea how the circuit compares to an RA-1.
Hens, thank you for your suggestion regarding Audio-Gd. Unfortunately, my wife, who is psychic (seriously)says this company steals other peoples' designs for which her "Spirit Guide" does not approve of or agree with. I guess it's an integrity thing. I was really encouraged when I went to the site but the wife says, "NO WAY" for this company.
N3rdling- have you ever listened to the RA-1? RA-1 with Grado phones?

Condocondor - do yourself a favor and try an RA-1 if you get a chance. With your phones especially. There is a level of texture and natural sound that you will not find in other amps especially in your price range... MF, Creek, CIadudio included. Sure some other amps might have more bass (not that the Grado is lacking) and dynamics but none will sound as good.