How is your power bill?

Recently I moved my equipment to our vacation home south of the border. On average the power bill ran about $12 per month. After setting up the three Krell Amps (fpb 350s and a KSA 150) to drive the Maggie 20.1s, etc. and, in addition to listening to music, starting watching nightly action movies through the system as well. The new power bill was almost $70.00!!

Thoughts? Your experience with this?
Mapman! Sign me up for some Hummers then...and speaking of which, when Hummer is sold off by GM because of the financial crisis maybe they will become even nicer...kinda like the Bentley of SUVs.

Just think of the impact audiophiles could have on world energy consumption if we all dropped our monster amps and switched (no pun) to Class D!

Then again, audiophiles are so few in number overall that it would probably make little difference.

They should really target all those power guzzling mid-fi guys out there! Their amps guzzle power and are not even all that efficient!
Not sure what my power bill is. . . but I suspect the impact of my system must be negligible. . . I have left on my complete stereo (JRDG 312 class D amp, Capri pre, X-01 CDp) on at full power since Christmas and my wife just noticed it yesterday. . . no complaints about the power bill. . . BTW. . . when several years ago I left on my JRDG 7Ms for 2 weeks. . . I was nearly victim of hostile divorce proceedings. G.
Before attacking Obama,those of you who do should search your own souls. You sound like people who do not seem very sensitive about the environment or the impact they might have on it. Bush grievously damaged this country, militarily,environmentally, economically and morally. Obama is left with the task of cleaning out the filth left in the stables by his ignorant and arrogant predecessor. With Global Warming and possible environmental catastrophe lurking, Krell Class A owners might think of using a more modest power source and still enjoy their hobby. Every one is responsible for the fate of the planet and the carbon footprint they leave behind; from SUV drivers to Krell owners. While we are preoccupied with what cd player, amplifiers and turntables to use, Obama will put this country back on track and help save our planet. Let's not forget the big picture as we enjoy our hobby