Well, Obama is a very dynamic and omnidirectional kind of guy! But I think he is more into efficiency and innovation so he leans towards music servers, horns and Class D.
Bush was more of an OHM person! Also loved his big power guzzling Class A amps. You should have heard that system! Then one day Dick Cheyney cranked it up and broke it! Darn shame!
Bush was also kinda more old fashioned and loved his vinyl so I hear!
Albert, I suspect once elected you will take Presidential
Audio to a level never before achieved. Presidential photography as well I'd bet. Also, vinyl will rule the land once more!
Just please do not raise my taxes to do it, OK?
Oh, and please provide earmarks (no pork) and tax breaks for OHM and Class D amp owners too, OK?
Bush was more of an OHM person! Also loved his big power guzzling Class A amps. You should have heard that system! Then one day Dick Cheyney cranked it up and broke it! Darn shame!
Bush was also kinda more old fashioned and loved his vinyl so I hear!
Albert, I suspect once elected you will take Presidential
Audio to a level never before achieved. Presidential photography as well I'd bet. Also, vinyl will rule the land once more!
Just please do not raise my taxes to do it, OK?
Oh, and please provide earmarks (no pork) and tax breaks for OHM and Class D amp owners too, OK?