Dahlquist LP-1 Passive/Active crossover

Does anyone have any expereince using the Dahlquist LP-1 Passive/Active crossover in place of the stock passive crossover with Magnepan 20R speakers? I have been using a Bryston 10B "standard" active crossover to replace the passive crossover in my 20Rs setting the high pass at 300Hz/6db slope, and the low pass at either 100Hz/12db slope or 150Hz/18db slope. I recently acquired the DQ LP-1 and was curious if it would work.
I agree with the need to replace the RCA jacks. Forget the sound improvement, the intermittent sound there - sound gone "Feature" will drive you nuts!

I do have a schematic I made for it in PDF format, if anyone needs it. Just drop me an email and I will send it to you.
Also, I found the original owners manual which I scanned into pdf format and I also have a schematic for an upgrade to it which I have been using for some years now. If anyone wants them they are welcome to them. Just shoot me an email.
Hi does anyone know where I can find instruction manuals for the DQ 1W subwoofer and the DQ LP1 Crossover? Thanks
I am also looking for any up to date schematic or parts source for restoring a Dahlquist DPL-1 and matching impedance to my 33k Ohm Parasound A21.
any help appreciated!
I am also looking for any up to date schematic or parts source for restoring a Dahlquist DPL-1 and matching impedance to my 33k Ohm Parasound A21.
any help appreciated!