Best Headphones in $500 range for Leben 300X

Brand new to the headphone scene. The reality of apartment living has pushed me in this direction. Would love any suggestions on a headphone pairing for a Leben 300X. I listen mainly to viny on a Thorens TD-160. Hope to upgrade in about six months to a Rega P-5. I listen mainly to jazz.

Thanks a lot!
If you're looking to use the headphone output rather than the speaker outputs, I can highly recommend the AKG K-702. They take some time to burn-in but when they do you are well rewarded with amazing transparency and neutrality. Bass is not as prominent as the Sennheiser 'phones but seems more real and less bloated.

My best advice would be to visit the Head-fi website and get some advice from people as hooked on headphones as most on this site are hooked on hi-fi!:-)
the K1000s are a great phone, but given their are out of production and have a big following, I would be very surprised to find a pair @ $500.00. $850 is the lowest price I've seen in several years.
Thanks Swampwalker, guess my price info was a few years out of date, and unfortunately, that puts them over-budget for the OP.

I think Hens' advice about the Head-fi site is a good one. As for good 'normal' headphones in that price range, my info is 'old' in that I think the Senn 650 is pretty good. I also like the Grado RS-1, but thought it was better as a walking-around-with-an-ipod headphone than as a sitting-down-on-the-sofa-in-an-otherwise-quiet-apt headphone (something of a warm-ish mid-bass hump if I remember). I have not listened to the AKG K702 but the K701 was a very good pair of headphones.
T_bone, the K702's are the same as the K701 other than the addition of a detachable cable with the K702 and a different colour (K701 - white, K702 - dark blue). You are right that they are very good headphones.

The Senn 650's are very good as well, but a different presentation - a little warmer and more bass pronounced. Personally, I preferred the more neutral AKG's. Grado also have some excellent 'phones at that price point, but they are on-ear type fitting as opposeed to around the ear which I find more comfortable and better for isolation.

Just like loudspeakers, I would highly recommend auditioning extensively before laying out your dough!
Hi, I am a dealer for the Leben range of products and recommend the AKG702's as a great match for the Leben integrated amps. I do not sell headphones, but personally use these headphones myself, while working in my office. They have a very natural presence and an articulate bass presentation that is true to the music. Through the Leben amp, they are really smooth.. and present the music with an enjoyable ebb and flow for many extended hours of listening...
