an equipment poll

what brands of components do people like and dislike ?

please grade the products of companies whose products you have owned, giving the company a rating between 1 and 10, where 1 means "worst sound quality" and 10 means "best sound quality"

thus you might rate conrad jonson an "8", vandersteen a "7", etc. please rate as many brands as you wish.

i will crunch the numbers.

at the end we'll get an idea of what people like and don't like. i think it will be very interesting.

thanks for your participation.
Vandersteen 9
Totem 8
Paradigm 5
Classe 8
Logitech 6
Sima 6
Rotel 6
Theta 8
Advent 7
Yamaha 5
Dual 6
Post removed 
(PS: why do some posters prior to me list ratings with a (-) in front of ALL the theoretically positive rating?)

It was intended as a hyphen, Elizabeth, not as a minus, and I think we were all just trying to be consistent with the first responder's format. But you are right -- it was potentially misleading and we should not have done it that way.

-- Al
Post removed 
hi elizabeth:

thank you for your input. could you please revise your enries and provide a grade from 1 to 10 for each manufacturer you have already mentioned?


after i have received 20 responses i will tabulate the results.