an equipment poll

what brands of components do people like and dislike ?

please grade the products of companies whose products you have owned, giving the company a rating between 1 and 10, where 1 means "worst sound quality" and 10 means "best sound quality"

thus you might rate conrad jonson an "8", vandersteen a "7", etc. please rate as many brands as you wish.

i will crunch the numbers.

at the end we'll get an idea of what people like and don't like. i think it will be very interesting.

thanks for your participation.
What strikes me is that audio seems to be the only field of human endeavor in which there is absolutely no limit to how absurd and outlandish something can be

How about Anthropogenic Global Warming nonsense espoused by many "scientists"? (Ice caps melt, global floods as sea levels rise, etc. etc. many ridiculous doomsday scenarios for which there is increasingly a total lack of evidence...even global temperatures are going down recently)
Upon further reflection, I would like to slightly upgrade a few of the ratings I posted earlier in this thread. Mr. T -- please incorporate these changes accordingly, when you do your compilation:

Antique Sound Lab: 5
Paxthon: 6
Pentagram: 7
Rotel: 5

-- Al
Sound Quality: Musical Fidelity -8 Conrad Johnson- 9 Polk -6 NAD- 7 PS Audio -9 Quad - 9 Grado - 6 Placette- 9 Anticables-7
Eico - 7

Audio Research - 10
OHM - 10
Musical Fidelity - 9
Dynaudio - 9
Triangle - 9
Magnepan - 9
mhdt - 9
Linn - 9
Tandberg - 9
Denon - 8
Marantz - 8
B&W - 8
Dual - 7
Carver - 7
NAD - 7

Hey Tvad, come play along.

You've owned almost everything worth mentioning at some point haven't you?