Why do Audiophiles feel the need...

Why do so many audiophiles feel the need to post opinions on gear they've never owned or had such limited experience with that their opinion is valueless to the OP? Not only here, but on other audio forums, at least 50% of the posts (and I think I'm being generous) start with: I've never heard the XYZ but...

When I was participating in an auto detailing forum, teaching myself the finer points of achieving an exquisite auto finish, if someone would ask about brand X polish, I would never see a post stating: "I've never used it, but..."

My opinion is that many people spend so much time dreaming about this stuff that they've convinced themselves they know what it actually sounds like. I know it's only a hobby, but I think a poster who asks about a specific piece of gear is better served by opinions of those with experience with that gear. Maybe it's just me. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Good point! I always wondered about that...also I would like to hear from the designers not the dealers in the replies...
I think a lot of us have a tendency to overgeneralize. We have owned X number of tube amps or moving coil cartridges or planar speakers , etc. For most of us this will rarely exceed a number that can be counted using our fingers. From this limited sample we make broad generalizations.
I've been spending too much time and money on music reproduction since the late 60's ( and don't regret a min. or dollar spent) - part of what is so challenging today is that even if we limit ourselves strictly to the reproduction of music - there is a incredible variety of good to great sounding gear available.Further complicating things is the reality that within a system we are seeking synergy and I gotta tell you over the years I have repeatedly made one "improvement" in my systems that totally craped on the sound.Was that component "bad" sounding or just bad when used with the rest of my equipment ?
I will say that on this or any of the unrelated forums I frequent - if you ask for first hand experience vs. philosophical opinions - you get a whole lot fewer responses - and probably a whole lot more information.
I think that will depend on what and why. Like myself, when I listened to the Manley stealhead, ARC PH7, Nagra VPA and other phono stages. I listened for week to all of them together and seperatly. That is still limited experience. I picked the Nagra over the others. If I see threads about any for the items I listened to, I post to inform the person of my observations of that item. Even if it is not the item I desided to purchase. This also go's with any piece of equipment I auditioned. My opinion is only that and should only loosly guide the person. I think that is all they are going to use it for. If they use it for much more than that, good luck to them. I myself would never buy an item from anothers opinion. Unless it is a cartridge. I can't get anyone to let me take one home to audition.

If we do not ask or answer questions here or on other forums then where would we ask and that includes your thread.

It's the almost same as asking a sales man. How much time do you really think they get to listen to all the equipment in thier store. They don't sit in the room with the customers listening. I listen to thier opinion but do not purchase on thier recomendation either without listening for myself. It just narrows the field.

How do you deside what is limited experience? A day, week, month or more?
I think it fullfills a fantasy that they could be on the staff of Stereophile or Absolute Sound and write an opinion that all would make a "intelligent" buying decision. Also we all have a need, as Samjohn states, to be helpful. And this is a place where one can do this with anonymity and nor real consequence. Whoops there I go again!