I'm beginning to wonder...

Alright, so I have read previous threads about misspellings and poor grammar in Audiogon posts, and I have even joked about it myself in one thread a long time ago. In fact, while I was poking fun at a misspelled word in the thread, I misspelled one myself and was called out for it!
What I am beginning to wonder about is what percentage of Audiogon members speak (or write) english as a first language. Almost every day, there is a classified or a post that is nearly unreadable. The strange thing is that the post will be answered by several readers with no mention of the poor writing. It is so common, that I am wondering what pecentage of regular members are living in the USA. Does anyone have an idea?

First I am truly spastic and typing is especially hard please try to hold in your inate desire to point out my typos.
Second I am dyslexic certainly not an expert writer and have no command of the language. Again avoid flame throwing for my bad writing.
This thread concerning general U.S. audiophile literacy has been discussed ad naseum.
The truth is obvious, we all comunicate in order to thrive. I think there is abundant evidence that the syntax chosen by the author demonstrates that English is not their first language. I know that in the urban mid Atlantic the illiteracy rate is on the order of 10-20%. I hope that answers you.
Perhaps a better language topic woould be "How do you begin an ad?" I have seen "Up For Sell" a few too many times.
The strange thing is that the post will be answered by several readers with no mention of the poor writing.

Some don't recognize the poor writing themselves because of their own poor language and writing skills, and others look at these flawed attempts at communication as ok as long as the real meaning of the post is understood.

What I am beginning to wonder about is what percentage of Audiogon members speak (or write) english as a first language.

All we can do is guess at that answer. My thought is that probably 75% of Audiogon members speak and write English as a first language, the rest are ESL (English as a Second language).
I agree!
Compose in Word, spell-check, then post to Audiogon.
It shouldn't have anything to do with who you are or where you're from.