I'm beginning to wonder...

Alright, so I have read previous threads about misspellings and poor grammar in Audiogon posts, and I have even joked about it myself in one thread a long time ago. In fact, while I was poking fun at a misspelled word in the thread, I misspelled one myself and was called out for it!
What I am beginning to wonder about is what percentage of Audiogon members speak (or write) english as a first language. Almost every day, there is a classified or a post that is nearly unreadable. The strange thing is that the post will be answered by several readers with no mention of the poor writing. It is so common, that I am wondering what pecentage of regular members are living in the USA. Does anyone have an idea?
Mt, you may have missed that this is a written forum and the discussions are in writing. Also, in case you're interested I have an old keyboard with at least one working SHIFT key. If you'd like it...

Seriously though, written communication is fast becoming a lost art. Gutter English has become the norm in speech and texting is killing off what's left of the rest.

So we're back to an old position: adapt or parish... ;-)
Has no one heard of iSpell?
It's a simple download, and it's free. I know it works with all versions of Internet Explorer above v.5. There may be apps for other browsers as well.

It works from the 'Tools' menu in IE, or if you happen to be on a forum, there's even an icon in the posting window of current versions of v.Bulletin. And you can double click a single word to spellcheck it, just like in word processing programs.

No more whining ;-)
I appreciate all of the responses, but I think my question was a little misunderstood. A lot of the responses are from members who obviously speak english, but are apologizing for being sloppy. I am saying that some of the "english" is so outrageously incomprehensible that it can't be fairly said the the writer even speaks the language. While I'm at it, one more gripe. Posts that read like this:
"Opinions wanted on using X231/J with 455XP".

How can I have an opinion when I don't even know what these two components are? We all know what a DQ10 is or an MC275 but some people are using obscure numbers without brand names. I am always left sitting there and wondering if it's only me.
does anyone dispute that the subjects of diction, spelling and grammar does not belong on this forum ?
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