I always do something stupid...

...I have a pretty nice system and it is important to me. I spend hours researching tweaking and getting it right. I spend even more time listening to it of course. I am a pretty careful and meticulous person in most things.

So...why is it that everytime I get a new piece of expensive equipment or a new cable or whatever, I always manage to do something you are not supposed to do. Like turning off the pre-amp before the power amps and getting a loud pop. Or leaving an amplifier on and unplugging the interconnect attached to it at the pre-amp. Or forgetting that the interconnects to the subwoofer are JUST long enough and trying to move the subwoofer (and thus stressing the interconnects) without unplugging them. Or SIMPLY NOT NOTICING THAT THE $!@*# VOLUME IS UP TOO HIGH BEFORE I PUSH PLAY ON THE TRANSPORT. I could go on.

Point being, I've never really screwed anything up, but it's not from lack of "rying." Is this just me? I realize I've opened myself up to cruelty on this one...
Ouch, Dodgealum bitch slapped you hard:O( I re-terminated my reference Power cable incorrectly and hooked it up to my reference CDP and blew it up...how's that one for ya! Turns out however that when I returned it for repair I recieved an unknown upgrade for free. If I wouldn't have destroyed it I would have never known about the upgrade (it was worth $3000).
A week or two ago I miss-connected my ICs to my preamp's tape loop. That was pretty loud. Luckily, I did not blow my long since brand-defunct tweeters. My preamp is a little bastard: it has a lot switches and the volume pot is temperamental. And I have 47 labs interconnects, which are delicate and variable in connectedness. It all adds up to a roll of the dice every time I re-rig my stereo.
No its not just you, you are just secure enough to open up about it, Dodge on the other hand makes himself feel better by making you feel bad but I suspect he has stories of his own that wouldnt reflect greatly on him. ofcourse I am making a joke.
I never blew anything up either but just dumb luck has gotten me this far, I did blow a fuse on a Aragon amp once because I didnt turn it off when making cable adjustments but that was as close as I got to a serious mistake.
I've had my share of near misses.
Now I take my time.
Then double check.
Then I sit down to listen.
Then I get up and check again.
Then I make myself a drink and wonder how it might sound if I turned it on.
Then I go take a nap.
Mr D- How old are you? I generally call my brain-farts, "Senior Moments", and leave it at that. Obviously- Once a certain chronological point is attained in one's lifespan; these events will increase exponentially(unless one compensates, as Mr_man has so wisely done). Recently- I replaced the two bridge rectifiers in my woofer amp with IXYS FReDs. When I re-connected the amp, I hooked up the Lt/Rt interconnects in reverse. That made the drum kits in my recordings sound decidedly strange(like- spread across the room). I didn't realize what I had done, or what caused that effect, until I started applying Quick Silver to some of my cables today(DUH). We might be glad that it's our brains going first, rather than our ears? Think I'll go hit the Ginkgo Biloba bottle now(before I forget).