Here's an audio-related story that I find very funny.
It was told to me by Jim Mesa, of Mesa-Boogie pro audio amps.
He told me that The Rolling Stones, always, insisted on using his amps.
Well, one time, the Stones had gone to some private island to record their latest album.
One day, in the midst of this, he got a frantic call from Keith Richards telling him his Mesa-Boogie stack had stopped working.. He said he wanted Jim, himself, to fix it. And to fix it, now!
So, Jim is rushed to a chartered plane, which takes him to an airfield near a dock, from which he leaves, on a yacht, to hurriedly arrive at the frickin' island.
And, poor Jim hasn't slept this whole time.
Upon reaching the island, he's practically running with the guys who brought him there to get to the studio.
He walks in the studio, marches straight over to the amp, takes a lock at Richards and, flicking a switch, says, "Keith, you gotta turn the damn thing on."
It was told to me by Jim Mesa, of Mesa-Boogie pro audio amps.
He told me that The Rolling Stones, always, insisted on using his amps.
Well, one time, the Stones had gone to some private island to record their latest album.
One day, in the midst of this, he got a frantic call from Keith Richards telling him his Mesa-Boogie stack had stopped working.. He said he wanted Jim, himself, to fix it. And to fix it, now!
So, Jim is rushed to a chartered plane, which takes him to an airfield near a dock, from which he leaves, on a yacht, to hurriedly arrive at the frickin' island.
And, poor Jim hasn't slept this whole time.
Upon reaching the island, he's practically running with the guys who brought him there to get to the studio.
He walks in the studio, marches straight over to the amp, takes a lock at Richards and, flicking a switch, says, "Keith, you gotta turn the damn thing on."