Opinions on Finite Element Pagoda Signature Rack

With an increasing number of components my old 3 tier Solid Tech rack no longer has sufficient spaces and i was considering a 5 tier replacement from FE. I would be interested to hear from FE owners on whether they were happy with their purchases and what impact (if any) the FE rack had on the perceived sound?

Also interested in feedback on Ceraballs, Cerapucs and Cerabase. Are these worth the money?
A set of promotional Ceraballs came with my Signature. They definitely make a difference of similar quality with my preamp (Counterpoint) and my CDP (Cary). They probably make an improvement, but it is not affecting. (A true tweak!) I keep the set under my CDP simply because I have them and they are easier to manage on the top shelf when cleaning.

The Signature looks nice and fits my style, which is largely why I bought it. It is very well made, and the screw shelf supports have remained perfectly tight during the year I have owned it. Prior to the FE I have owned two homemade racks. One made from MDF which sounded like garbage in comparison. The other was an Ikea Lack, which sounds grossly similar to the FE, but I did not A/B them.
this might help;

Where are you located? My dealer in Austin, Tx stocks some and can order others.
All the talk about the FE Master Reference rack. What about the FE signature rack? The same rack, without the tuning device. Anyone out there compared the two racks?